When we came to our present home, one of the first projects that were undertaken was to build a skeet field. The field consisted of dirt shooting stations and wooden trap houses. The Fall River Rod & Gun Club purchased manually loaded target throwing machines.
In 1959, the first of many big changes came about with the addition of flood lights making it possible to shoot at night. By using white targets and 9000 watt light bulbs, night shooting at the club was born and it became as popular as daytime shooting.
In 1963 it became apparent that the nearly 30 yr. old trap houses were in need of extensive repair. The club took everything into consideration and the answer was a completely new field. New high and low houses of cement block construction, asphalt walks and shooting stations, and fully automatic target throwing machines were installed. These improvements made our fields one of the best built and equipped fields in the area. Skeet shooters would be lined up waiting to shoot a round. They would sign up to shoot and when finished for the day they would come back inside and pay the person in charge for the number of rounds they shot.
In 2004 the club purchased two new coin boxes from Briley Manufacturing to eliminate the need to have someone signing people up to shoot and to collect shooting fees. Members and non-members now purchase coins from the club and just drop a coin in the box and get one round of skeet. The addition of the new coin boxes made things much easier and more efficient to run the fields. The next improvement, coming shortly after, was the purchase of four new “Mattarelli” skeet machines, bringing the skeet fields to the next level of shooting.
Then in 2012 we realized the skeet fields needed a complete overhaul. The fields were regraded, new cement pads and walk ways were widened, making the fields handicap accessible. We installed new fencing between the fields and replaced all of the old wiring. These upgrades were the result of Dave Sanford, Ralph Pratt and the many club members who volunteered many hours to bring the skeet fields to the current state for all the skeet shooters to enjoy.
Current skeet chairman is Armand Watts. He can be reached @ 401-636-2051