
Attention all pistol house shooters absolutely no magnums,rifle rounds or shotgun shells should be shot in the pistol house.

In 1945 construction of our pistol house was started and on June 3, 1946 the official open house and first shoot was held. The cost of the range was $5,000, which didn’t represent the true value in light of the many member contributions of countless hours of labor along with their cash donations.

The range has ten firing points all measuring 50 feet, and is set up for .22 rim fire up to 45 Acp (no magnums of any caliber are allowed).

The range has been used by many organizations over the years such as the Boy Scouts and our own Junior Club. Member George Wilcox introduced uncountable young men and women to shooting and good sportsmanship; many of these future adults were shooting for NRA Qualification Awards. In 1987 the Pistol House was dedicated to George Wilcox, who was dedicated to the youth of the club for many years.

Significant improvements have been made to our air filtering system, along with new LED lighting in the range, and a new heating and air conditioning system, to ensure that our shooters have a safe and comfortable environment to shoot in.

In January 2016 we installed a new security system which allows 24-hour access to our range for members and their guests. Since our 24-hour access has been available, we have over 200 of our members with card access. None of this would be possible without our Range Safety Officer Training Program. This program ensures the continued success and safety of the range. Without the hard work and dedication of the RSO team this continued success would not be possible.

For all questions or concerns related to the pistol house. Please contact Dawn Agrelo @ 508-264-1107