Around the mid 1990’s The Fall River Rod and Gun Club joined several other area clubs in a league to allow 3D archery shoots on a rotating schedule in order to not compete with the other clubs. This league was named the Tri-County 3D Archery League. A different club had a shoot on every Sunday. We start shooting on the first weekend in January and continue until the end of October. This made it possible for each club to send their shooters throughout the area. With all the work involved to set up a quality shoot, it made sense for each club to have a few large shoots instead of several small shoots.
Today we still participate in the Tri-County league, hosting 3 or 4 shoots every year. Currently, we are averaging close to 100 shooters per shoot. The course has seen many improvements recently and we are known for having one of the best shoots in the league. People come from MA, RI, CT, and NH. Our shoots are imaginative, realistic, and challenging but reasonable.
We have in excess of 30 Rinehart targets (which are in tip-top condition) to allow us to set up our shoots with some variety of presentation. This provides the diversification that the best shooters look for. We have deer, bear, turkey, dinosaurs, alligator, fox, skunk, raccoon, vampire bat, pheasant and even a mosquito target. Our number one target is our BIGFOOT target. It is 7 ½ feet tall and shooters come from all around to shoot it.
Our practice range is under construction and we will have 5 new weatherproof targets at ranges from 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 yards when complete.
The club continues to support and invest in archery in order to keep us as one of the premier 3D archery ranges in Southern New England.
Current Archery chairman is Chuck Reinhagen. You can reach him @ 1-774-218-9049