Welcome To Fall River Rod & Gun Club

Outdoor sporting experiences at a historic club in a pristine natural setting.



We offer many activities on our 130 acres; a nice outdoor archery practice range with up to a 50-yard shot and 3D archery shoots, two skeet fields, two trap fields, indoor pistol range and our sporting clays course, which is changed each week to offer a new shooting experience. We also offer a beach, picnic area, and fishing spots for our members to enjoy. Membership information and a downloadable application is available in the membership tab.

Club over veiw.PNG


Skeet & Trap- Saturday & Sunday 9am – 2pm. Wednesday 5pm-8pm

Sporting Clays – Saturday 9am-2:00pm (Occasional Sunday - weather permitting)

Pistol House- Saturday & Sunday 10am - 12pm

Pistol House — Wednesday - 6pm-8pm

Trap and Skeet shooting fees: $5.00(member) $7.00 (non-member)

Sporting Clays shooting fees: $12.00 (member) $17.00 (non-member)

5-Stand shooting fees: $5.00(member) $7.00 (non-member)

Pistol House range fees:

Non-Members: Shooting fee will be $20.00 for the first hour and $10.00 for each additional hour

Trap Winter Hours for Saturday & Sunday are 10am-1pm


If you have paid your 2025 membership dues, please come to the club to pick up your membership card during normal club hours. If no one is available, please call Jack at 774-526-7597. Dues are overdue.

LTC class March 14th 6 PM Contact Dawn Agrelo @ (508) 264-1107 for more information

Your membership dues were due on January 1st! Please pay soon in order to avoid being dropped from membership in the club. The annual dues are $200.00 which includes 24-hour access to our indoor pistol house. There is no longer an additional fee. Credit or debit cards are now accepted at the club house in-person.

Mail to: Fall River Rod and Gun Club

P.O. Box 1364

Westport, Ma. 02790

Thank You for your attention

Paul R. Audet

508 287 3122

The annual dues for 2025 have been increased as a result of a vote of the membership at the August general meeting. This is necessary due to the increased expenses (taxes, insurance, and utility expenses etc.).  Many, many years have passed since our last increase, and it is necessary to keep the club in operation. The dues will now be $200.00 per year, and the 24-hour access to the pistol house will be available to all, with no additional fee, pending a pistol house orientation for each member. You can begin dues payments for next year via check, cash, or credit/debit card at any time. We appreciate your continued support and membership.

This is your club and your vote is important.

This is your club, and we need your help and support. Please step up and participate.

President -- Jack Santos 1st V.P. -- Armand Watts, 2nd V.P. -- Chuck Reinhagen, 3rd V.P. -- Dave Nutall, Treasurer. -- Dan Harple, Assistant treasurer. -- Paul Audet, Secretary. -- Mark Leary, Assistant Secretary. -- Dawn Agrelo.

2025 General membership dues are $200.00

Checks can be mailed in or dropped off at either the clubhouse office or pistol house. You will still need to be approved for the pistol house access.

Mail to: Fall River Rod and Gun Club

P.O. Box 1364

Westport, Ma. 02790

Thank You for your attention

Paul R. Audet

508 287 3122